

International Master in European Project Planning and Management (Yasar University is partner of the master programme)


International Master in European Project Planning and Management (Yasar University is partner of the master programme)

International Master in European Project Planning and Management

It is now possible to enroll in the third edition of the International Master in European Project Planning and Management. Yasar University is partner of of the master programme.

The objective of the Master is to provide participants with the skills to successfully work in the field of European cooperation, through the use of funding made available by the European Commission.

The Master course’s programme is organized in two main modules:

– European Project Planning
– European Project Management

The teaching staff is composed by international experts with over 15 years of experience in European cooperation representing several European countries.

The International Master has a total duration of 5 months (800 hours). The first two months of the Master course will be held in Florence (Italy), the following three months will be held in another European country in the framework of an  international internship.

The Master  organize for all participants a three month internship abroad, to work as Assistant European Project Manager in organizations with long experience in European project management.

For further information on the International Master on European Project Planning and Management, please visit the Master course’s web site at: http://europlan.pixel-online.org/MST_intro.php or contact [email protected]

Master Brochure
