

SUSTAIN-CE Project 1st Newsletter


SUSTAIN-CE Project 1st Newsletter

The 1st issue of the SUSTAIN-CE Newsletter is published!

The newsletter provides detailed information about the Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnership project explaining its aims, impact, next steps to be planned and project partners.  

SUSTAIN-CE project will develop an undergraduate civil engineering curriculum thatcovers sustainable infrastructure design to ensure graduates have the ability to applyconcepts and principles of sustainability to the solution of complex civil engineeringprojects. In order to achieve this objective, SUSTAIN-CE will lead to and test innovativecurricula in Turkey, Greece and Portugal by blending context-specific driven skill gapmitigation with globally benchmarked practices in true co-creation with industry, industryassociations, policy makers, end-users and academia.

Please click here to read the English version of the newsletter.

Please click here to read the Turkish version of the newsletter.