

Approved Marie Curie-IRSES Project


Approved Marie Curie-IRSES Project

We are happy to announce that the project submitted under “7th Framework Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme” by Middle East Technical University with the participation of Yasar University,  University of California Berkeley (USA), University of Pittsburgh (USA) and University of Cologne (Germany) has been accepted to be granted by European Commission.

The project is important in terms of not only being the first FP7 Marie Curie IRSES experience of our university, but also providing a successful consortium of prestigious universities that is expected to bring further cooperation possibilities for us.

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ODTÜ koordinatörlüğünde sunulan ve üniversitemiz ile beraber University of California Berkeley (USA), University of Pittsburgh (USA) ve University of Cologne (Germany) işbirliğinde yürütülecek olan 7.Çerçeve Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Projesi Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından desteklenmeye hak kazanmıştır.

AB Merkezleri arasındaki işbirliği ve alandaki araştırmacıların çalışmalarını desteklemek amaçlı bu proje, üniversitemizin ilk 7.Çerçeve IRSES projesi olmasının yanı sıra, güçlü ortaklık yapısı ile de üniversitemizin yeni işbirlikleri geliştirmesine de fırsat yaratacaktır.


Project Details:

Project Title: “Transatlantic Perpsectives in a Changing Global Context: Multilateralism through Regionalism”
7th Framework PEOPLE Marie Curie IRSES
36 months (3 years)

  1. Middle East technical University Center for European Studies (JM Center of Excellence)
  2. University of California Berkeley, European Union Center of Excellence
  3. University of Pittsburgh-USA (European Union Center of Excellence)
  4. University of Cologne
  5. Yasar University European Union Research Center

Grant Awarded: 105.000 EUR
The main aim of the project is to establish and strengthen long-term new research partnerships between European Research Area (ERA) institutions and respected research institutions in USA that are specifically working on European studies. The proposal aims to create a network platform that involves partners working in EU Studies, foster transfer and exchange of knowledge with a special focus on Euro-Transatlantic comparative perspective. Thus, the project aims not only to create research partnerships but also equip participating researchers with an unprecedented comparative perspective on EU affairs since it will combine outlooks from a founding EU-member state, Germany, a candidate country, Turkey and beyond the Atlantic, the USA.

The project offers mobility of 14 researchers from ERA to USA and 12 researchers from USA to ERA in 3 years time. It offers mobility of 26 researchers in total and the total period of secondments are 88 months designed in groups of 1, 3 and 6 months.
