The Scriptamanent + Project


The Scriptamanent + Project

The Scriptamanent + Project

Contract Number


The main aim of the project was to stimulate active participation of ex-volunteers in promoting international volunteer activities and involving other young people. The project also intended to provide new interactive tools to youth organizations to disseminate good practices and mobility opportunities in Europe, bringing innovation in youth work. Ex-volunteers were invited to write about their volunteer experiences and to produce multimedia supporting materials.

The final outcome of the project were: a website with all the stories of the volunteers and all the “extra” materials such as videos, pictures, audio files, etc.;  a traditional book collecting all the stroies in different languages; an e-book including the stories and hyperlinks to extra materials. All the materials have been distributed in all the participitating countries and are available and downloadable for free from the official website. These tools will be used by youth organizations and by ex-volunteers to support information campaigns and promotional activities, with the aim of increasing the volume of young people involved in international projects. The project also included training activities for youth workers who have been acting as multipliers in their local realities and promoted cross-media trainings al local level, contributing to decrease digital exclusion.

Scriptamanent Plus will give more visibility international volunteer activities and will help to involve other young people meanwhile introducing innovation, new technologies and new media in daily youth work. The project promotes multilingualism and cultural diversity, active participation, commitment and sense of initiative and enterpreneurship of young people and contributes to the quality of youth support systems in Europe.

Project Website

Start Date


End Date



135.660 €

Institutional Budget


Associazione Culturale Link – İtalya


Youth In Action Programme- Action 4.4




  • Yaşar University – Turkey
  • Activar – Portugal
  • La Vibria – Spain
  • A.C.T.O.R – Romania
  • Eurocircle – France
  • Link UK – United Kingdom

Institutional Project Coordinator

EU Expert, Basak Van HOVE